Man shot dead at sand pit
By Jaime Hall

   Dead: Ramesh Bess

`I begin to reverse the truck and then the other two start to run along the ... track leading to another sand pit, and the one with the gun turn back and follow them. I said: `Praise the Lord'. I come out the truck and see Bess lie down on the sand with a big whole in he head, and I start to holler.' - Sand truck driver

BANDITS on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway yesterday morning shot and killed a Sand Pit Checker, Ramesh Bess, as he was about to report for duty and robbed another sand miner of $15,000 before escaping.

             Wife, Wendy Williams, and four children, the youngest a mere 16-day-old boy.

Bess' employer, who was with him at the time, escaped unhurt from the gunmen who demanded cash. The incident occurred around 07:30 hrs.

Wake house

Bess 50, of Swan Sand Pit Linden Soesdyke Highway, died of a single bullet wound which was fired to the back of his head, his boss Mangra Raghoo said.

Proprietor Tularam Tiwari  Gaytrie Charran  car-caught-winches  PPP-appeasement  Barbot Paul

A former national bantamweight boxer, Bess lived near the sand mine with his reputed wife, Wendy Williams, and four children, the youngest a mere 16-day-old boy.

Kalowatti Brijlall, 6-months pregnant, was beaten and stripped

Raghoo, who operates the Swan sand pit along the Highway, said he and Bess were in a Toyota pickup when the incident occurred. He said he was taking Bess to the sand pit to relieve another Checker who had worked the earlier shift when three men emerged from the nearby bushes and fired a single shot and demanded money. Raghoo said he was unaware that Bess was hit, since he thought the bandits had fired a warning shot.

The sand pit operator said he told the bandits he had no money, but directed them to another worker at the mine. As the men proceeded towards the sand pit, he jumped out of his vehicle and escaped into the bushes.

He said he thought that Bess had made a similar move. However, after he learnt that the men had fled the area, he returned to the vehicle and saw Bess lying on the ground with blood oozing from the back of his head.

One of Raghoo's cousins, a truck driver, who was on his way to the pit for a load of sand, said he saw the bandits searching Bess' pockets while he was lying on the ground, but did not realise he had already been shot.

He said the men launched an attack on him as well. He explained that one of the men who was armed with a rifle and wore a white stocking over his face began approaching him cranking the gun, which appeared to have jammed.

The truck driver immediately took out his cell phone to call and alert a worker at the sand pit about what was happening.

"I begin to reverse the truck and then the other two start to run along the cross track leading to another sand pit, and the one with the gun turn back and follow them. I said: `Praise the Lord'. I come out the truck and see Bess lie down on the sand with a big whole in he head, and I start to holler," he told the Chronicle yesterday evening.

After fleeting from that sand mine, the bandits proceeded to a nearby mine, attacked and robbed the Checker there, then reportedly shot at a 12 volts battery used for lighting at the mine's office.

Police removed Bess' body from the mine site and took it to a city funeral parlour. Investigations are continuing into the shooting.

Friday, August 15, 2003